Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Meeting to be held on 24 June 2024


Appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees


Contact for further information – Sam Hunter – Member Services Manager – Tel No 01772 866720


Executive Summary


The appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees and Working Groups of the Combined Fire Authority and the appointment of Member Champions for the year 2024/25.




The Authority is asked to: -


1.    Confirm appointments of Chairs and Vice‑Chairs to the Authority’s Committees and Working Groups for 2024/25; and

2.    Confirm the appointment of the four Member Champions for 2024/25.




Standing Order 5.1 (b) of the Authority requires the Authority at its annual meeting to appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair for each Committee created under Standing Order 4.1(a).


The Authority is asked to consider the proposed Conservative Chair and Vice-Chair appointments for its Committees and Working Groups for 2024/25 as set out below:


Committee/Working Group


Proposed Chair

Proposed Vice-Chair

Appeals Committee


CC Matthew Salter

CC Margaret Pattison

Audit Committee


CC John Shedwick

CC Nikki Hennessy

Performance Committee


CC Terry Hurn

CC Paul Rigby

Planning Committee


CC Stephen Clarke

CC John Singleton

Resources Committee


CC Ron Woollam

CC David O’Toole

Strategy Group


CFA Chair

CFA Vice-Chair

Member Training and Development Working Group

CC Stuart Morris

Cllr Dave Smith

Resources Sub-Committee for Injury Pensions

CC Sean Serridge



The Authority is also asked to consider the proposed Conservative appointments to Member Champion roles as set out below:


Champion Role

Proposed CFA Member

Community Safety

CC Matthew Salter

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Cllr Zamir Khan MBE

Health and Wellbeing

CC John Singleton JP

Road Safety

CC Ron Woollam


The Authority is asked to consider the proposed Labour Chair and Vice-Chair appointments for its Committees and Working Groups for 2024/25 as set out below:


Committee/Working Group


Proposed Chair

Proposed Vice-Chair

Appeals Committee


CC Margaret Pattison

CC Matthew Salter

Audit Committee


CC Mark Clifford

CC John Shedwick

Performance Committee


CC Hasina Khan

CC Frank De Molfetta

Planning Committee


Cllr Jane Hugo

CC Nikki Hennessy

Resources Committee


CC Sean Serridge

CC Margaret Pattison

Strategy Group


CFA Chair

CFA Vice-Chair

Member Training and Development Working Group

Cllr Dave Smith

CC Stuart Morris

Resources Sub-Committee for Injury Pensions

CC Frank De Molfetta




The Authority is also asked to consider the proposed Labour appointments to Member Champion roles as set out below:


Champion Role

Proposed CFA Member

Community Safety

CC Matthew Salter

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Cllr Zamir Khan MBE

Health and Wellbeing

CC Hasina Khan

Road Safety

Cllr Fred Jackson


Business Risk


The Authority’s Standing Orders require the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs for each of its committees.

Environmental Impact



Equality and Diversity Implications




HR Implications




Financial Implications


Payment of Allowances is in accordance with the Combined Fire Authority’s Members' Allowance Scheme.


Legal Implications




Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers

Paper:            CFA Constitutional Standing Orders

Date:               22 February 2021

Contact:         Sam Hunter, Member Services Manager


Paper:            Members’ Allowance Scheme

Date:               1 April 2023

Contact:         Sam Hunter, Member Services Manager


Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: N/A